
Regain your freedom & independence

With a northwest battle Buddies’ service dog

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Welcome to

Northwest Battle Buddies

I would like to thank you for your selfless dedication and service for our nation. You are the reason we were founded and why we exist. We look forward to serving you.
Shannon Walker, CEO and Founder

Northwest Battle Buddies service dogs


Our service dogs stand alongside their Veterans, providing companionship and support in daily life, whether at home or in public settings. Professionally trained, they instill a sense of security and resilience, mitigating the symptoms of PTSD with life-changing results. With a NWBB Service Dog, you can begin to regain your freedom and independence. Experience the transformative power of companionship these amazing service dogs offer, becoming a source of solace, leading to renewed strength and an improved quality of life.

Before Atlas, it was so hard to live like this. I felt anxious and angry, and it was really lonely. But now, with my service dog, everything is different.
DL + Atlas

Northwest Battle Buddies service dogs

Increase YOUR Confidence

Our service dogs help their Veterans step outside their comfort zones with increased confidence and independence, ensuring that life becomes more accessible and comfortable. They empower Veterans to reengage in activities and experiences they once thought were out of reach. Whether it's regular daily life activities, attending events, special occasions, or participating in their loved ones' lives, these service dogs give Veterans the confidence to actively contribute and be part of these moments without fear or hesitation, ultimately restoring the ability to embrace the joys of life.

When walking through a store, tension would set in. Yet, with Diamond by my side, a gentle nudge will bring the sudden realization: 'You're here, I'm okay.' It's as if she is reassuring me, whispering, 'It's okay, we're both good.'
Dodi + Diamond

Northwest Battle Buddies service dogs

Strengthens YOUR Relationships

Our service dogs go beyond providing support; they play a vital role in nurturing and strengthening relationships. By enhancing an overall well-being, these companions contribute to the growth and improvement of relationships with family, friends, and the community. The presence of these service dogs fosters a sense of connection among most Veterans, leading to increased engagement and stronger bonds. Through the companionship they receive, Veterans find a revitalized sense of autonomy and self-reliance.

After serving two tours in Iraq, I had all the signs of a Veteran in distress. I was socially withdrawn, chronically anxious, and had little hope for my future. NWBB changed everything. My service dog helped me improve my marriage, find better jobs, and even buy a house. Dreams I thought were unattainable started coming true...I was finally happy and comfortable.
Ryan + Twitch
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Many of our incoming Veterans rely on prescribed medications to manage their symptoms of PTSD. However, after receiving their service dog and under the supervision of their healthcare provider, most of our Veterans report a significant reduction in or complete elimination of their reliance on these medications. This achievement often becomes their greatest triumph. By relying less on medication and more on the support of their service dog, Veterans experience improved well-being and a higher quality of life.

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									 Regain your Freedom and Independence

"There are areas where I am weaker where Nikki has the strengths. He provides me with a lot of confidence. I have challenges and see how sure he is of himself, which helps me.”

NWBB Veteran

									 Regain your Freedom and Independence 1

“I heard about service dogs for veterans like me and wanted a dog more than anything. The idea of having a service dog in my life, providing companionship and assistance to guide me through my worst moments, kept me going.”

NWBB Veteran

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